Come See Our Fan-Favorite

Signature Topiary Display in Uptown Greenwood!

Come marvel at our beloved “living” topiary sculptures displayed throughout Uptown Greenwood, South Carolina. When it comes to flowers, everyone loves the topiaries, from the majestic elephant to the dabbling ducks to the Safari Jeep.  You will be astonished to see the variety of topiary sizes, plants, colors, and textures. In all, 57 “living” creations are uniquely set in landscaped areas in Uptown Greenwood, South Carolina for the entire month of June.

Join in our 58th celebration, see the brand new topiary designs revealed this year, and enjoy creating Summer Memories with your family and friends!

SC Festival of Flowers Presented by

Make Plans to Enjoy these Great Events When You Come to See our Topiaries!